Salle capitulaire cour Mably
After the destruction of the church and of the first Jacobin (Dominican) convent in 1676, the Royal engineer, Pierre Duplessy-Michel, was commissioned to build a new church (Notre-Dame) and conventual buildings for the large Dominican community. The convent ceased to be used for religious purposes at the time of the Revolution, during which it housed the revolutionary clubs. It later became a military warehouse and then, from 1891 onwards, a municipal library. After a restoration programme carried out in 1994 by the Brochet – Lajus - Pueyo architectural firm, the Chambre régionale des comptes (regional court of finances) was established there. The old salle capitulaire (chapter house) and the cour Mably courtyard (named after the 18th century reformist philosopher, Abbé de Mably) now provide a setting for temporary exhibitions (paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings etc.) and cultural events of all kinds (concerts, conferences, artistic events etc.).
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